What’s on your Mind?

Is it ‘where’s my time and energy gone?’

Why is everyone tired?

The 24/7 world we live in is characterised by hustle culture, technology overload, and the pressure to “do it all, all at once”. It’s no wonder exhaustion has become the new normal. 

Caffeine and willpower only go so far. However the cycle of burnout leaves little time for what truly matters — health, family, friends, and the stuff we love to do, there is very little downtime these days.

So if we can’t change the way the world works, we have to find a way to change the way we work (and play) in this speeded up world. That starts here, I can help you slow things down, to create more balance in your mind and in your life.

Through Coaching, Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy the combination of all three will help you recharge your batteries and start to take back control of your time.

Contact me to arrange your first session, I will help you find the all elusive balance in your life. Call 07834 666979 or email n.strong@me.com