Strong Minds – Hypnotherapy and Coaching for Anxiety, Sleep, Weight loss, phobias and smoking

Hypnotherapy to quit smoking

The biggest part of quitting smoking is the letting go of the smoking routine you once had and looking at cigarettes differently. Hypnotherapy has become one of the most popular forms of treatment to help people stop smoking and is recognised by the British Medical Association (BMA) as the most effective way of quitting.

If you seriously want to give up smoking effectively, painlessly and without the use of the many chemical options that are on offer you should seriously consider hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy works most effectively when you really want to quit.

Through the incredibly effective programme I I have created over the many years I have been a hypnotherapist I have helped hundreds to leave the smoking habit for once and for always. I will help you to becoming a non smoker within seven days. In my carefully structured hypnotherapy session you will be guided into a deep, relaxed state where your subconscious mind is more open to suggestion. For so many of my clients my two session programme has proven to be highly effective and they are amazed at just how easy it was for them to walk away from the habit that had been restricting their lives in so many ways.

Just a few of the benefits to expect when you’ve stopped smoking:

  • A longer life expectancy
  • More energy
  • A stronger immune system
  • More money
  • Better breathing
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Younger looking skin
  • Better sense of taste and smell
  • Greater care for your loved ones