Do you suffer with SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder

This week I’m talking about Seasonal Affective Disorder better know as SAD. And for the next few days I’ll be offering suggestions on how you can combat some of the more common side effects.

With the clocks going back many people begin to suffer with the shorter days and the early onset of darkness.

Do you suffer with SAD or you’re not sure? Then here are some of the symptoms to look out for:

Persistent low mood

Snacking on high sugar foods

Drinking alcohol more than usual and regularly

Loss of concentration

Unable to get up in the morning

Stressed or anxious

Lower sex drive

Less sociable

These are just a few of the symptoms; you may feel some or all of them from time to time. So what can you do to help yourself

Tip 1

First and foremost get more daylight. Exposure to natural daylight increases the body’s vitamin D which isn’t stored in the body and we need it on a regular basis to keep our mood uplifted.

With the shorter days comes the shorter exposure time to daylight so go for a walk in your breaks at work, if you work. Try and have more exercise, ideally outside, as this boosts the feel-good hormone Serotonin and helps combat negative thoughts and depressive moments. Add to this a regular good quality vitamin D supplement.

A classic sign of SAD is lethargy so make every excuse you can to exercise, even a brisk walk will help accelerate your good mood. The tendency is to do less and with this comes the feeling to overeat which will in turn mean you pile on the pounds.

Exercise will not only be good for you, it will be good to you, enabling you to enter the months of Spring feeling fitter and healthier. More importantly, it will see you through the winter months.

You may also benefit from meditation, more on this tomorrow.

If you need support I can help you either face to face with personal one-to-one sessions or listening to one of my recordings may help. Click here: